Everything is political now

Mike Masnick wrote an article on Techdirt recently about why he’s leaning in to “political” coverage on the site. To put it succinctly:

When the very institutions that made American innovation possible are being systematically dismantled, it’s not a “political” story anymore. It’s a story about whether the environment that enabled all the other stories we cover will continue to exist.

I get that there are people who might want to escape politics in the safe haven of technology. I don’t understand people who still insist that it’s possible to participate in and use FOSS apolitically. Too many things are intertwined to be able to separate the development and distribution of FOSS from politics.

Anyway, go read the full post by Masnick. And the rest of Techdirt, too. I’m continually impressed by his take on the tech world. I don’t always agree, but I always find his coverage worth reading.